Passu Cones


In a Glimpse:

Passu is a small village in the Gilgit Baltistan region of northern Pakistan, near Gulmit. One of the most spectacular views on the Karakorum Highway is the Passu cones also known as Tupopdan and Passu Cathedral. Rising to an altitude of 6,106 meters straight up with steep slopes, Passu cones are also called Hot Mountains as the snow doesn’t sit long on top of their cone or pyramid-like structure.

The edgy Paasu cones, not letting snow stay a top

Passu cones are situated in Passu village in Upper Hunza alongside the Karakorum Highway. Passu village has always been the best place to visit and a famous tourist destination mainly because of the magnificent Passu cones and the gigantic Passu sar mountain standing 7, 478 meters tall. It also features a glacier known as the Passu Glacier.

How to get there:

To view Passu cones one does not have to move far from the road as they are visible from the Karakorum Highway as soon as you have crossed the Attabad Lake in Gulmit Valley.

Passu cones view from Karakoram Highway

What to do there:

The cones themself are the most popular attraction of the Passu Village. They remain one of the most photographed regions of Hunza.

The panoramic Passu cones, the most photographed in Hunza Valley

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